Technische Universität Wien
Institut für Festkörperphysik
Institut für Festkörperphysik



Differential thermal analysis - DTA

Differentialthermal analysis (DTA) involves heating and cooling a sample and an inert reference under identical conditions, while recording any temperature difference between the sample and reference. The temperature difference is plotted against time, or against temperature. Any changes in the sample accompanied by heat absorption or evolution or by change in the specific heat can be detected relative to the inert reference.

DTA provides data on the melt and crystallization temperature, the temperature of peritectic reactions, structural and magnetic phase transitions, which is important for the synthesis procedure and the following thermal treatment. Investigation of the thermal behavior of many-component systems as a function of the system composition results in T-x phase diagrams. The latter play a vital role for development of the optimal crystal growth technique. At present we focus on the investigation of the phase relations in some intermetallic systems with quantum critical behavior and Kondo insulating behavior.

Technical data of our DTA device:

Operating temperature: from room temperature to 1750°C

Atmosphere: Argon or vacuum

Sample mass: 50 - 200 mg

Heating rate: from 0.1 to 100°C/min

DTA PT 1750 (Linseis)

Contact: A. Prokofiev