Technische Universität Wien
Institut für Festkörperphysik
Institut für Festkörperphysik




There is always an opportunity for truly talented and motivated students (project, master and Ph.D.) and postdocs. But our bar regarding skills in theoretical physics and/or program development is very high. If you think you qualify please send your CV to Prof. Karsten Held. Prospective research areas are:

  • Computational Materials Science
  • Many-Body Quantum Field Theory
  • Strongly correlated electron systems
  • Nano-Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence and big data


For Bachelor, project and Master thesis see our wiki page:


Ph.D. Solid State Theory

There are vacancies for two Ph.D. students (3 years) in Vienna.

The aim of the first project within the SFB Q-M&S is employing quantum information measures as a new angle of understanding solid state physics, such as quantum critical points and the Zhang-Rice singlet.

The second project is on vertex corrections to the conductivity and the novel nickelate superconductors.

We have pioneered the density functional theory + dynamical mean-field theory (DFT+DMFT) approach and invented the dynamical vertex approximation (DГA), which form the basis for both projects.

We offer a research topic at the scientific forefront in an international and vivid research environment. Vienna is a favorable location as regards culture and nature.