Technische Universität Wien
Institut für Festkörperphysik
Institut für Festkörperphysik



1981: Diploma in Technical Physics, Vienna University of Technology
1984: Doctor of Technical Sciences at the Vienna University of Technology
1991: Venia Legendi (professorial dissertation) at the Vienna University of Technology, subject: "Solid State Physics".



*since 1981- Assistant at the Institute for Experimental Physics (since 2002:
Institute of Solid State Physics), Vienna University of Technology, Austria
*since 1991 - Univ. Dozent, Assistant Professor
since October 1, 1997 – Associate Professor
*May 2007 to December 2020: chairman of the curricula commission "Technische Physik" at the Vienna University of Technology
*October 2009: Appointment to Univ.Prof.


Research Activities and Results:

Highly correlated electron systems, superconductors, spin
fluctuation systems, rare earth intermetallic compounds,
Development of high pressure, high field and low temperature
equipment, leader of 10 research projects of the Austrian Science Foundation
FWF, 4 projects at FFG, 1 NEDO project (Japan), 1 EU project, leader of the "Christian Doppler Laboratory of Thermoelectricity (2013 - 2020). About 450
papers in international journals and contributions to international conferences.
Member of the International Advisory Board of „Strongly Correleated Electron
Systems“, ICM’06, ICM'09, LT25, etc., Chairman of the SCES’05 (Vienna, 2005);
chairman of COST P16, „ECOM“ (more than 50 groups from 25 European
countries). Chairman of the SCTE'18 (Vienna, 2018).



basic courses for physics- and computer science students during the 2., 3.
and 4. semester; lecture on „Material Science“ (since2004); lectures on
“Highly Correlated Electron Systems“ (since 1988); supervision of Diploma and
Ph.D. students.