April 2023 -
Prolongation of research project MIRAI
November 2022
Notification of the Outstanding Achievement Award 2022 of the "International Thermoelectric Society" to the awardees E. Bauer and P. Rogl.
June 2022
A novel concept to improve the thermoelectric performance of certain materials, involving the Anderson transition was published in Nature Communication (Nat. Comm. 13, 3599 (2022)).
January 2020 - March 2023
MIRAI: research project on thermoelectricity financed by JST.
December 2019
After 6.5 years the CDL for Thermoelectricity was completed. Two patents were submitted and finally accepted by Österreichische Patentamt. Besides, about 50 papers where published and about the same number of talks were given at international conferences. Several diploma students and PhD's were involved in this project.
November 2019
The extraordinary thermoelectric figure of merit of a thin film based full-Heusler alloy was published in Nature (576, 85–90, (2019)).
April 2019
Start of research project CREST financed by JST
March 2013
"Christian Doppler Laboratory for Thermoelectricity" accpeted by the Christian Doppler Society. Project start: July 1, 2013.
June 2012
ESA research project "MMCs for heat dissipation devices and their cryo-thermophysical properties" accepted. Project period July 2012 to January 2014.
April 2012
FWF research project "Thermoelectric materials": a combined experimental and ab-initio ansatz" accepted. Project period: September 2012 to August 2015.
November 2011
EU Reserach project "NanoHiTEC" accepted. Project period: December 2011 to November 2013.
May 2011:
FFG Reserch project "Auto-TEG II" accepted. Project period: May 2011 to December 2012.
August 2010:
A paper in Physical Review B reports on the discovery of an unconventional superconducting phase in non-centrosymmetric Mo3Al2C. The editors of PRB selected the work as "Editor's Suggestion" as well as for a "Synopsis in Physics".
2010 -2011:
Chairman of NESY (Austrian community of neutron and synchrotron users)
December 2009:
Reserch project FWF P22295 "Superconductivity without inversion symmetry" accepted. Project period: 2010 to 2012.
December 2008:
FFG Reserach project "AUTO-TEG" accepted. Project period 2009 - 2011.
June 2008:
Research project FFG "KON-TEG" accepted. Project period 2008 - 2010.
December 2007:
Research project FFG "THECLA" accepted, Project period 2008 - 2010
Chairman of the Austrian Chemical-Physical Society.
Chairman of Eu programme COST P16 "ECOM"