Education |
1995 |
PhD, Institut de Génie Atomique, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
1992 |
Master (Dipl.-Ing.) in Physics, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Academic Positions |
08/2016-present |
Complimentary appointment with Rice University, Houston, USA
08/2016-01/2017 |
Visiting Professor at Rice University, Houston, USA
05/2005-present |
Full Professor at Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
02/2003-04/2005 |
Associate Professor (C3) at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids (MPI CPfS), Dresden, Germany
12/2001-03/2002 |
Visiting Professor at the Institute of Solid State Physics, Nagoya University, Japan
01/1999-01/2003 |
Scientific Collaborator at MPI CPfS
08/1995-12/1998 |
Scientific Collaborator at Laboratory for Solid State Physics at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
05/1992-05/1995 |
Research Assistant at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides Semi-cristallins, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
10/1990-02/1992 |
Scientific Collaborator as graduate student, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
07/1989-09/1989 |
Summer Student, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Honors and Awards (selected) |
2021 |
ERC Advanced Grant Correlation-driven Metallic Topology (CorMeTop)
2021 |
FWF SFB Correlated Quantum Materials and Solid State Quantum Systems (Q-M&S)
2015 |
APS Fellow
2008 |
ERC Advanced Grant QuantumPuzzle
2003 |
Associate Professor (C3) group leader position plus start-up funding awarded by the Max Planck Society within Excellence Program for the Advancement of Outstanding Female Scientists
Institutional Responsibilities (selected) |
2011-present |
Head of the Vienna Microkelvin Laboratory at TU Wien
2009-present |
Speaker of Research and Activity Domain “Materials for Thermoelectricity and Magnetocalorimetry” of the European Integrated Centre for the Development of New Metallic Alloys and Compounds (C-MAC)
2009-2010 |
Chair of search committee for full professorship “Solid State Spectroscopy” at IFP at TU Wien; call accepted by Andrei Pimenov
2007-2015 |
Head of Institute of Solid State Physics (IFP) at TU Wien
2008-2012 |
Speaker of TU Vienna Graduate School “Functional Matter”
2007-2010 |
Deputy director of TU Wien for FP6 NoE CMA, leader of a workpackage, a longterm, and a shortterm project (
2007-present |
Vice president of faculty board of Faculty of Physics at TU Wien
2006-2010 |
Chair of “Arbeitskreis Chancengleichheit Physik” of the Austrian Physical Society (
2006-2007 |
Chair of search committee for full professorship “Computational Materials Science” at IFP at TU Wien; call accepted by Karsten Held
2004-2009 |
Corresponding member of “Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics” (
Editor/Curator |
2008-2013 |
Editor to the "European Physical Journal B"
2013-2018 |
Curator to "Physik in Unserer Zeit"
Memberships in International Boards (selected) |
since 2023 |
Member of Institutsbeirat of the: Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart
since 2021 |
IUPAP C5 Commission Member
since 2020 |
Founding and board member of the Association of ERC Grantees (AERG)
since 2015 |
Board of the International Thermoelectric Society
since 2015 |
Condensed Matter Board (Main & Sect. Low Temperature) of the European Physical Society
since 2015 |
Member of Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Kommission fur Tieftemperaturforschung, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften