09/2022-08/2027 | Correlation-driven Metallic Topology (CorMeTop) | ERC Advanced Grant No 101055088 (proposer) |
01/2023-12/2026 | Correlated Quantum Materials and Solid-State Quantum Systems (Q-M&S) | Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Spezialforschungsbereich (SFB) (coordinator and 1 of 10 PIs) |
01/2022-12/2025 | Quantitative Spatio-Temporal Model-Building for Correlated Electronic Matter (QUAST - FOR5249) | Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) |
01/2019-06/2023 | European Microkelvin Platform | H2020-INFRAIA-2018-2020 |
01/2019-06/2023 | Driving Spin Orbit Coupling to the Extreme (exSOC) | Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR) |
04/2017-09/2021 | Thermoelectric Properties of Complex Mesowires (ThermoWire) | Austrian Science Fund project FWF P29279-N27 |
08/2016-01/2021 | Quantum criticality and new phases at ultralow temperatures (UltraLowT) | Austrian Science Fund project FWF P29296-N27 |
since 10/2009 | Research and Activity Domain: Materials for thermoelectricity and magneto-calorimetry | European Integrated Center for the Development of New Metallic Alloys and Compounds - C-MAC |
03/2012-02/2020 | Building Solids for Function (Solids4Fun) | Austrian Science Fund, Doctoral School FWF W1243-N16 (1 of 14 PIs) |
04/2016-03/2019 | Topology and Quantum Criticality in Kondo Insulators (TopQuantum) | Austrian Science Fund project FWF I2535-N27 |
07/2014-07/2017 | Kondo Insulator Interfaces (KIK) | US Army ACC project W911NF (proposer) |
01/2012-01/2016 | Nanostructured Transition-Metal Clathrates and Clathrate-Oxide Nanocomposites (nanOcla) | project in DFG Priority Program 1386 (PI, 3 co-proposers) |
04/2011-10/2015 | Thermoelectricity of Quantum Matter (TQM) | Austrian Science Fund project FWF I623 (proposer) |
03/2011-06/2015 | Thermoelectric clathrates for waste heat recovery (THECLA heat) | Austrian Science Fund project FWF TRP176 (proposer) |
06/2009-05/2015 | Quantum Criticality -- The Puzzle of Multiple Energy Scale (QuantumPuzzle) | ERC Advanced Grant No 227378 (proposer) |
10/2008-09/2012 | Functional Matter | Doctoral Program of TU Vienna, 2008 (speaker) |
09/2008 | Materials Characterization Platform | Infrastructure IV, 2007/2008, Austrian Ministery of Science (1of 6 proposers, own module funded) |
09/2008 | Designed Matter and Quantum Technologies | Infrastructure IV, 2007/2008, Austrian Ministery of Science (1of 10 proposers) |
02/2008 | Thermoelektrizität in Clathraten: Abwärme als wertvolle Energiequelle der Zukunft | Energie der Zukunft 2050, Austrian Ministery of Science (proposer) |
06/2007 | Quantum materials at multiple extreme conditions | Innovative Project of TU Vienna, 2007 (proposer) |
09/2007-12/2009 | Complex metallic alloys as thermoelectrics | Short Term Projectin the FP6 NoE CMA (leader) |
04/2007-03/2010 | Strongly correlated cage compounds | Austrian Science Fund project FWF P19458 (proposer) |
07/2006-10/2009 | Cage compounds | FP7 EU NoE CMA (coordinator of TU Vienna node) |
05/2004 | New Materials | Infrastructure II, 2004 of TU Vienna, Austrian Ministery of Science (external proposer) |