1-4 September 2013
ERC WORKSHOP Ab initio Dynamical Vertex Approximation, Almgasthof Baumschlagerberg, Austria
Scientific program
Elias Assmann Charge self-consistency
Peter Blaha Introduction to WIEN2k
Sergio Ciuchi The crossover from Fermi liquid to local pairs in the normal state of the attractive Hubbard and Holstein models
Stefan Donsa Double quantum dot as a thermoelectric generator
Emanuel Gull Introduction to CT-QMC
Philipp Hansmann d- only vs. dp- basis sets for DMFT et al. 2p or not 2p...
Georg Rohringer Routes to spatial correlations beyond DMFT - The one-particle irreducible (1PI) approach
Giorgio Sangiovanni "w2dynamics": operation and applications
Prabuddha Sanyal Study of localization effects in Falicov Kimball model: Dynamical Vertex Approximation
Thomas Schäfer Divergent precursors of the Mott transition
Lukas Semmelrock Mott-transition in triangular lattices
Patrik Thunström Work in progress: Multi-orbital local 2-particle Green's functions from Exact Diagonalization
Alessandro Toschi Introduction to the two-particle vertex functions and to the dynamical vertex approximation
Angelo Valli (electronic) correlations at the nano-scale
For pictures go the social events of our group.